2018 Northbank Beer Week Kicks Off in SW Washington

Northbank Beer Week kicked off last night with an event that featured over 30 beers from almost every brewery, cidery and meadery in SW Washington. Northbank is the name given to the breweries of the SW Washington area (mainly the Vancouver area but also everything from Camas to the east end of the Gorge). Enjoy live music, food trucks, lawn games and get to know your local brewers. The first 400 to show up this evening receive a FREE Northbank Beer Week shirt!The full list of events includes everything from Brewers Dinners at Fortside and Grains of Wrath to Pinewood Derby Beer Can Races at Northwest Liquid Gold. There's live talks from authors, podcast recordings and open mic beer discussions. Find yourself at Shougtoberfest or Run The Haze or a chili cook off! The full lineup of events is available at NorthbankBeerWeek.com or on the Northbank Beer Week Facebook Page.Without a doubt, the most anticipated event of the week is the premiere close-out event; Brewing Bridges Collaboration Festival. The newly-formed Northbank Brewers Alliance is holding their first event. The collab fest invites 22 SW Washington breweries to collab with 22 Oregon breweries and release all the beers in one place - Pearson Air Museum on September 15th from 3PM-8PM. Tickets are $49 and include all the beer. That's correct, there are no tokens and nothing more to purchase. All 44 breweries will be on-hand to celebrate the closeout of Northbank Beer Week. Get your tickets at bit.ly/BrewingBridges.


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